Dendroolithus (Hadrosaur Egg)
Age: Cretaceous
Formation: Kaoguo Formation
Location: Xixia Basin, Henan Province, China
Size: Egg is 6 inches across!
This dinosaur egg is from a hadrosaur-type dinosaur (duckbill). Most hadrosaurs laid their eggs in nests of a dozen or more eggs. Usually, hatching and scavenging damaged the nests, obliterating any trace of the eggs that remained. Occasionally, some eggs survived predators and the elements, and eventually became fossils. Because of their delicate nature, intact eggs are very rare in the fossil record. Dinosaur eggs that retain their original shape and eggshell are some of the most collectible fossils in the world.
This specimen was acquired legally many years ago, and was in a collection for MANY years. This REAL Dendroolithus dinosaur egg has eggshell that covers most of the surface of the egg, and the fine detail of the eggshell is and very easily seen. The large egg is very inflated and displays beautifully, perched atop the substantial matrix base - NATURAL, not added on to the rock. The natural round ''egg'' shape is easily seen, and the entire fossil displays extremely well. This is a very good specimen of a REAL Hadrosaur dinosaur egg in matrix from the Cretaceous of China, especially for the price.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.